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Winter is Here

We extended our riding season as far as we could, and now winter is here. In reality, winter got here a few weeks ago, but we pushed back against it, not ready to give up our daily rides yet. The final ride of the season bathed us in the warm light of the sunrise on an otherwise frigid morning. 

As luck would have it, the last two days of our scheduled session were rainy and icy, so it was a perfect opportunity to wrap up some loose ends. On Monday we washed off and dried the bikes, and put them away for the season. It was cold enough outside that the water from the hose froze on some of the bikes on contact.

By this time, our system for moving the bikes in and out of our tight storage space had evolved into a well choreographed routine. Kids delivered their bikes to the door of the space, and I stacked them up in just under four minutes.

On Tuesday, we went over the answers to the Road Readiness Written Test as a group to try and clear up any misconceptions or missing information. I took the early finishers aside and taught them how to change a tire. 

Later Tuesday morning there was an all-school assembly organized by the BMS Wellness Team. They made space for us in their agenda, and I took the time to congratulate the RFF kids in front of the entire school for their successful participation. I explained how much we had ridden, and summarized the skills and concepts everyone had learned. Each student was presented with a certificate. They were proud of their accomplishments, and I was proud of them too!

I am certain there will be kids clamoring to participate in RFF in the spring of 2018. Between now and then, I will be debriefing with my colleagues and volunteers to help inform future programming. As is often the case, scheduling is the crux when it comes to initiating a program like Riding For Focus in the public school setting. Teachers, who are held to more and more standards by the Department of Education, are possessive of their instructional time with students. I understand this, but at the same time I think it raises the point that we need to begin re-thinking the way we "do school." I am with Dr. Kim Price of The Specialized Foundation on this subject. Kim, who holds a Ph.D in Neuroscience points out that extensive research has shown that, "...when kids are given the opportunity to be active during the school day, they actually perform better." 


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